In order to service you, we require that you are based in one of our permitted
Country / Territory |
Austria (AT) |
Belgium (BE) |
Bulgaria (BG) |
Croatia (HR) |
Cyprus (CY) |
Czechia (CZ) |
Denmark (DK) |
Estonia (EE) |
Finland (FI) |
France (FR) |
Germany (DE) |
Greece (EL) |
Hungary (HU) |
Iceland (IS) |
Ireland (IE) |
Italy (IT) |
Latvia (LV) |
Lithuania (LT) |
Liechtenstein (LI) |
Luxembourg (LU) |
Malta (MT) |
Netherlands (NL) |
Norway (NO) |
Poland (PL) |
Portugal (PT) |
Romania (RO) |
Slovenia (SI) |
Slovakia (SK) |
Spain (ES) |
Sweden (SE) |
United Kingdom (UK) |
Receiving funds
Regulated or licensed clients using Novatum’s platform to support the regulated cross-border payment and currency
conversion services they provide to their own customers.
Country / Territory |
Åland Islands (ALA) |
Andorra (AND) |
Australia (AUS) |
Austria (AUT) |
Belgium (BEL) |
Bulgaria (BGR) |
Canada (CAN) |
Cayman Islands (CYM) |
Chile (CHL) |
China (CHN) |
Cook Islands (COK) |
Croatia (HRV) |
Cyprus (CYP) |
Czech Republic (CZE) |
Denmark (DNK) |
Estonia (EST) |
Faroe islands (FRO) |
Finland (FIN) |
France (FRA) |
French Guiana (GUF) |
Germany (DEU) |
Gibraltar (GIB) |
Greece (GRC) |
Greenland (GRC) |
Guadeloupe (GLP) |
Guernsey (GGY) |
Hong Kong (HKG) |
Hungary (HUN) |
Iceland (ISL) |
India (IND) |
Indonesia (IDN) |
Ireland (IRL) |
Isle Of Man (IMN) |
Israel (ISR) |
Italy (ITA) |
Japan (JPN) |
Jersey (JEY) |
Latvia (LVA) |
Liechtenstein (LIE) |
Lithuania (LTU) |
Luxembourg (LUX) |
Malaysia (MYS) |
Maldives (MDV) |
Malta (MLT) |
Martinique (MTQ) |
Mauritius (MUS) |
Mayotte (MYT) |
Monaco (MCO) |
Mongolia (MNG) |
Namibia (NAM) |
Netherlands (NLD) |
New Caledonia (NCL) |
New Zealand (NZL) |
Norway (NOR) |
Oman (OMN) |
Philippines (PHL) |
Poland (POL) |
Portugal (PRT) |
Puerto Rico (PRI) |
Réunion (REU) |
Romania (ROU) |
Saint Martin (French part) (MAF) |
Singapore (SGP) |
Slovakia (SVK) |
Slovenia (SVN) |
South Africa (ZAF) |
South Korea (KOR) |
Spain (ESP) |
Sri Lanka (LKA) |
Svalbard and Mayen (SJM) |
Sweden (SWE) |
Switzerland (CHE) |
Taiwan (TWN) |
Thailand (THA) |
Tonga (TON) |
United Kingdom (GBR) |
United States (USA) |
Uruguay (URY) |
Vietnam (VNM) |